I painted this project while working at the Brooklyn branch of fabrication studio Pink Sparrow. The artist team Wade and Leta collaborated with Toyota to design this installation. It would be displayed in pieces across the country at various music festivals, and finally in its entirety at Bonnaroo. The project consisted of five sculptural towers, each consisting of six large shapes which were made out-of-house from foam and a weatherproof coating. I sanded, primed, mapped out, taped, and painted each one while on a team of five scenic painters.

The sculptures were up to thirty feet tall. The project took our team over a month to paint. Due to the complex patterns and curved surfaces, stencils proved ineffective. I took the lead on translating the 2D renderings onto the 3D shapes mathematically instead. Then we taped the patterns out, which took the majority of the time.

Although each shape was generally worked on by multiple people, I was responsible for the teal and purple ball. I spent a full day studying the rendering and creating a geometrically sound way to achieve the pattern. After sketching the lines using a combination of compasses, partial stencils, and a laser-aided straight line, I spent another day and a half taping it out before painting it in a series of minutes. The result was a perfect replication of the rendering.

Most of the remaining shapes were worked on by multiple team members. Here is a hybrid stripe and polka-dot ball throughout its process.

I also came up with the geometrical formula to achieve the polka dot placements. We did not have a rendering accurate to the artist's vision, so I developed a scalable, replicable method for producing a polka dot pattern on the spheres.